Are you a maker? You know, a creative who loves DIY. Well i became one of those when i became a homeowner and realised i could save a lot of money simply making my own things. But this got me thinking… if i carry on like this where the hell am i planning to put everything i so eagerly create?  I will end up with a plagued mountain of clutter, heaps of art supplies, boxes if tools.  Now how can you go about reducing this creative clutter and instead bringing an understated DIY style  to your home.

I’m not suggesting you go completely minimalistic and have a mere antiqued pallet to sit on with a horizontal planter feature above in a stark white-washed room. This is not the type of minimalism i’m referring to. Minimalism is also about chic functional design and bold style choices. And yes, you can even experiment with some pops of color.

Here are some ideas to get you started with  diy projects that won’t cramp your style.

Introduce some greenery. Living elements are not only decorative but introduce colour and texture to your space. Below is an example of a terranium. You can make these in any bowl, jar or fishbowl like the one below.


Geometric shapes are currently trending. Check out these bookends! These are great for complimenting your bookshelf, you won’t need an expensive bought bookshelf. You can also colorblock them with paint to spice things up.



For a unique bookshelf tie sisal rope onto a painted board to create a simple hanging shelf.


Creative headboards are great, they also become a decorative feature on their own. This is an easy and cost effective way to spice things up in the bedroom. Alternatively you can also get offcut laminate flooring from any flooring company and clad the back wall.


Barnwood Headboard by 508 Restorations

When I bought my apartment i was in need of a large desk space for projects which could double up as a dining table for dinner parties. Instead of spending thousands I simply bought two trestle legs and a hollowcore door from my local hardware. I painted them in bright colours but can repaint them to suite my everchanging mood.


Happy DIYing fellow creatives!